Female, 23, single & dating: I went to a business meeting with a man that looked just like Ryan Gosling. Seriously I could barely even look at him in the eye, he was toooooo pretty! This business mtg has now turned into drinks after work and I don’t know if I can do it, he is too good looking!!
He does have a great personality though, not a jerk. Every time I look at him, I just look away and giggle to myself, like I am a f@#$ing school girl. What should I do?
He Said
It sounds like this dude is making you wet! We all have those moments when we feel super attracted to someone out of the blue, like you see someone, and you just want to drop your clothes right there and find a spot to get randy.
She Said
GO. OUT. WITH. HIM. NOW! I think way too good looking people don’t get approached or hit on that much. People get intimidated easily. It doesn’t sound like he is high on himself, so what do you have to lose?
Do you feel somehow inadequate to date this guy? He’s good looking, you’re clearly attracted, he’s not a jerk…and you have opportunity!
If he is the type of guy where girls drool all over him, it will be refreshing for him to meet a great girl, who is casual and treats him like he is a normal person (because he is). Just because someone is good looking doesn’t mean they should get special treatment. Big deal, you popped out hot. I am more interested to see if this guy has depth, a personality and is a good match. If you end up popping out cute babies later on that is just a plus.
I say put your hottest business appropriate attire on and see where things go. Remember to be prepared for anything, including safe sex, and go bang his brains out. Sometimes the best thing to do is just be open, “you’re making me weak in the knees, where should we go from here?” kind of thing.
Play a little hard to get too. Don’t go out with him the same night he asks you out. He may be use to getting what he wants, so ensure you have boundaries and standards. He will be more intrigued and respect you for it.
As much as guys say they like to play the role of instigator, and women love to be pursued, there’s nothing wrong with doing some pursuing yourself, and guys love it when women are open like that and willing to take some initiative. Happy Banging!
Or cuddling, or dating… or whatever you are into!