Circle the Wagons: Bring on the booze, food, tunes and performers.
We’ve all been to the circus as a kid. Enjoying a day with the family and a stick of cotton candy as big as your head was great, but what if we told you there’s something bigger and better – with beer, and for a good cause!
Calgary’s first annual Circle The Wagons is a traveling food, beer and music festival brought to you by the peeps of YYC Food Trucks, BassBus and Village Brewery.
Doin’ Good in the Hood
This will be like nothing you’ve seen or experienced before. Not only will this be a unique experience, but the proceeds will also benefit the entire city. The goal of Circle the Wagons is to put a portion of the proceeds into building new parks, playgrounds and assist in any possible way to give back to the city in a way that will benefit many.
This is also a “Towards Zero Waste” event brought to you by Green Event Services. Every food vendor will be serving their food on recyclable products. In an effort to reduce littering, disposable water bottles will not be available on sale, but a hydration station will be there for your H20 needs – so bring a water bottle!
In another effort to reduce pollution, Circle the Wagons is offering free bike valet thanks to Bike Calgary and Alberta Bike Swap. Upon receiving your event ticket, you can bike to the event and submit your bike to a safely secured area in trade of a ticket (think coat check, for bikes…) and pick it up when the day ends.
The Deets:
–Buy online here or at these local vendors:
-Village Brewery
-Sloth Records
-Fiasco Gelato
-Grassroots Hemp (Kensington Location)
This is a family friendly event, but there are beer gardens and different activities for those of all ages!
Saturday, September 20th from 11am-12pm
Marda Loop Community Hall
-Village Brewery Beach Beer Gardens
-YYC Food Trucks vendors
-Hawker’s Market “Underground” food market vendors
-The BassBus Stage (bands, acoustic performers and live electronic music)
-Market Collective flea market and vintage sale
-Vine Arts Circus School (12pm-5pm)
-Green Fools Carnival performances
-National Volleyball Invitational (teams of 6, registration available online)