Written by: Katie Tetz
A couple of one season series that have nothing to do with Christmas.
Browsing through Netflix can be one of the most frustrating things to do, especially if there’s two of you.
My boyfriend loves horror movies, I hate them.
I became obsessed with Scandal, he hated it. This nearly ruined our relationship.
I have a thing for Madagascar. He loves dumb boy humour. We have differing opinions on what ‘childish’ means.
Though I’m not promising you that you’ll both love the suggestions below, I can tell you that I was personally very happy to have come across these series, and my boyfriend didn’t totally hate them.
I call that a win.
My first set of Netflix & Chill suggestions are only one season, so you don’t have to worry about these shows taking over three weeks of your life – precisely why Scandal almost had me back at single status.
Next time you can’t decide what to watch on Netflix, try these:
1. Grace & Frankie
First of all, you’re going to continually gawk at how great Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin still look. Second, this show makes getting older seem a little less scary. If Grace and Frankie can start over at 70 after what happened to them, so can you.
After four decades of marriage, a shared vacation home, and double dates where Grace & Frankie only care about trying to one-up one another, their husbands have fallen in love with each other and eventually can’t keep their relationship a secret from their wives any longer.
This show will make you laugh, maybe cry, and definitely make you feel like it’s never too late to start over again.
2. Master of None
A hilarious and relatable chronicle of a thirty something that’s terrible at making decisions.
The series is about Dez, a struggling actor living in New York City who is having just as hard of a time with the ladies as he is his career. It’s a scenario we’re all too familiar with, but the show has a refreshing take on our daily debacles. I have yet to see a series capture what it feels like to be in your late twenties/early thirties so perfectly and humorously.
I even tweeted at Aziz Ansari because I loved the finale that much.
He did not respond.
3. How To Get Away With Murder
Another incredibly addicting Shonda Rhimes show, this is a great alternative if you’ve been tempted to watch Scandal, but don’t have a cool three weeks of your life to dedicate to it.
The series is about a brilliant criminal defense attorney, Annalise Keating, who also teaches a class at the university called How to Get Away With Murder. She selects a group of law students to help her with cases at her law firm. You’re instantly hooked as the show takes you into the future where it seems she’s gotten her students a little too deep into the subject matter.
Sex, murder, and eye candy. This show has it all.
I would give you more options but I’m too busy trying to finish #3. These should keep you busy for awhile.