Written By: Katie Tetz
It’s not you, it’s the planets.
If you keep up with my blog, you know that I have a growing curiosity about how the planets influence things (fuck with us). The other night I was starting to wonder if I was suddenly turning into one of those girls who goes insane right before her period. I felt completely unstable (I love you. Get away from me.), incredibly defensive (I am NOT being too sensitive Mom!), and ready to burst into tears if someone teased me even in the slightest.
Also, my Catch Phrase game was completely off at the cabin this year. Something wasn’t right.
Then I remembered that earlier in the summer while looking up my horoscope I had read about another retrograde approaching on July 25th, lasting until approximately September 6th.
I decided to see what this one was all about. Here are my findings:
It’s Venus’ turn to retrograde. She’s the planet of L.O.V.E. and this time, it’s all about “reassessment.” Reading this statement alone gives me anxiety. As much as I love spontaneity and surprises, change (and the reassessment that causes it) stresses me right out. You know those times in life when you can feel change in the air but you’re not exactly sure what’s about to happen?
I’m not very good at being in that place. So this retrograde should be as fun as the last one.
I ran through this list in my head.
Health: It’s the beginning of August which means my fitness level is at an all time low. Stampede followed by two weeks at the lake means my diet in the last month has included beer, coolers, wine, hot dogs (with chips on them), pretzel buns, cheese, and burgers. Every intention I had to start training for my half marathon at the lake failed.
I went on two runs. They were pitiful.
So ya, now seems like a pretty good time to reassess my health.
Appearance: Yes, it’s time for another spray tan. Also, I bought a feather clip-in for my hair. According to the seventeen thousand fashion blogs I find on Instagram, it’s festival season. Feathers are cool right?
Finances: Always in need of reassessment.
Relationships: The above link talks about how “heartstrings have the tendency to be pulled” in the form of old flames, new connections, temptations to cheat on your partner, or at the complete opposite end of the spectrum, you may realize the value of what you already have.
Sooooooo really, anything could happen.
On another website I came across (mysticmamma.com), astrologer Andrew Smith explains, “You are being asked to consider whether you are serving your own better interests or whether you are enslaved by that Dark Voice; you are being called to actively cultivate the skill of reflection, listening and discernment.”
By Dark Voice, I know Andrew must be talking about that petty critical judgemental voice that tells you “You Suck.”
I am familiar with that voice. I named mine Jessica, and she’s a bitch.
Reflecting, listening, and discerning is hard work. How do I tell the difference between my hormones, my “Dark Voice” (anyone else picturing Voldemort?) and my own trusty intuition?
Also, according to darkastrology.com, if you’re single you should avoid one night stands at all costs.
This retrograde is no fun at all!
You will surely develop an “obsessive attachment to the so called ‘friend with benefits'” and “you will most definitely be thinking with your reproductive organs and not your brain.” I don’t know about you but I feel like that’s how I operated 24/7 when I was single, not just during a retrograde.
In summary:
1. Reassess your entire life including your hair but try not to listen to Voldemort, I mean your Dark Voice, while doing the reassessing.
2. You might be tempted to cheat but that’s not very nice so don’t do it.
3. And if you’re single, don’t have sex.
Worst retrograde everrrr.
Read more of Katie’s musings about dating, sex, cosmic turmoil, and everything in between.