Written by: Steve Paolasini
Co-founder of HustleCo
We all know them, the guys that founded this, is developing that – building their own business and living that #coffeeshopoffice life. Entrepreneurship life is anything but stable which can make relationships a challenge. Not only can the work be unstable and stressful, it’s a 24/7 job and needless to say the work-life balance can be a little skewed sometimes.
While dating an entrepreneur can be a challenge since they are already married to their work, here’s 5 top reasons why dating an entrepreneur is super sexy and totally worth it.
1. Adventurous
Entrepreneurs are adventurous and fun! We don’t settle for the stable 9-5 so why would we settle for a stable, boring date? We’re risk takers and like to try new things. That means fun hot dates, great times, new experiences and a guaranteed level of spiciness in the sack.
2. Dedicated
We know what it means to be dedicated and committed to something like our business. It takes a great, can-do attitude and a level of persistence to grow a business from scratch. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s would be proud of our dedication to make a business succeed. We’re able to directly translate these skills and attitude into building an intimate and long lasting relationship
3. Independent
By the nature of entrepreneurship, we are naturally independent. While at other jobs and work situations there is someone above in the chain of command, entrepreneurs are the top dogs. Everything has to go through and be decided by us. That means we’re busy as fuck. So you do your thing – paint night with the ladies, or beer with the boys, while we do ours, and we’ll get together when we can for a date and make totally worth it in every possible way 😉 No need to worry about clinginess here.
4. Ambitious
People pursue entrepreneurship because they have big dreams and goals. They want to change something, solve a problem and make a dent in the universe. This takes a massive level of confidence to do so and what’s sexier than that? Besides, with entrepreneurship, we only have to be right once to get the financial freedom to afford all of life’s pleasures!
5. Flexible Schedule
Do you have a breakfast couples cooking class you wanted to attend on Monday morning? Do you want to go for an early afternoon wine tasting? Or maybe you just want to go for a kickass sunrise hike! Entrepreneurs, while overall are very busy, have schedules that can be flexible when needed which leads to creative dates. We may have trouble making the Friday or Saturday night date, but we will be all there for date night on Tuesday.