If conversations and coffee dates are your thing, you’ll be right in tune with this couple. The two met 7 years ago at Mount Royal University and their love story has taken off from there. Read on to get to know more about Abigail and Timothy as they dive into some #realtalk.
What age best describes you?
We are both in our 20’s.

What’s your favourite date to go on in YYC?
We love going on coffee dates. Ever since we first started dating, we usually went on coffee dates. Rosso in Inglewood is our favourite spot.
Do you have ‘pet names’ or nicknames for each other?
The best relationship advice we can give is this: Relationships are hard and can be a pain. There are days where you don’t feel the love. But honestly, if you don’t hurt then you ain’t loving hard.
To love each other unconditionally means putting the other first. You have to be vulnerable. You have to show grace. You have to be persistent; fight together not against each other. Lastly, never stop having fun, laughing and going on adventures together.
Want you and your bae to be featured as a couple? Send your request to info@itsdatenight.com and we’ll holler at you for the next steps.