Nova Scotians recently received a huge update regarding Nova Scotia’s Reopening Plan for Summer 2021. The 5-phase plan was announced on June 2 to safely ease restrictions as vaccination targets are reached and case numbers, as well as hospitalizations, decline. The exciting announcement brings gratitude for all the hard work that has been put in from residents, local businesses and healthcare staff over the past 15 months. It also brings hope for enjoying the activities we used to love with our friends and family once again. This is the first big step towards moving into our new normal of living and we are stoked!
So now that we’re in Phase 1, what does Phase 2 mean for you and your summer date ideas? See below for your guide to all the rules for Phase 2 of Nova Scotia’s Reopening Plan so you can start exploring the province once again:
Phase 2 – June 16 to June 30 (Expected Dates)
Plan phases are based on ongoing progress of vaccination rates & improvements of public health and healthcare indicators.
Self-Care Services
Personal service businesses such as hair salons, barber shops, spas, nail salons and tattoo parlours can now open by appointment. Services that require clients to remove their masks will now be permitted in Phase 2.

Restaurants, Bars & Casinos
Restaurants and drinking establishments (bars, wineries, distillery tasting rooms, craft taprooms) will be able to offer both indoor and outdoor dining with social distancing in between tables. A maximum of 10 people per table (close social bubble) is permitted and wearing a mask is required (except when eating or drinking). Businesses can serve dine-in customers until 11 p.m. and must close by 12 a.m. Takeout and delivery services can continue after 12 a.m. Live music continues to be permitted on outdoor patios with 1 performer.
Casino Nova Scotia and VLTs will be able to operate at 50% capacity with public health measures like social distancing and masks in effect. Food can be served up until 11 p.m. and establishments must close by 12 a.m.

All retail stores will be able to operate at 50% of the store’s capacity (includes both shoppers and staff). Public Health safety measures such as social distancing measures and masks must be abided by. Households will be able to have more than 1 designated shopper.

Indoor and Outdoor Social Gatherings
The informal social gathering limit outdoors will be increased up to 25 people without social distancing and masks. Public Health is encouraging Nova Scotians to keep their social bubble consistent (the same people all the time).
The informal gathering limit indoors will be increased to 10 people (household members and visitors) without social distancing and masks.

Sports and Fitness
Players, participants, and officials in organized sports (recreational, amateur and professional) will be able to practice and train with up to 10 people indoors and up to 25 people outdoors without social distancing. Public Health recommends wearing a mask when you cannot social distance from each other.
Fitness establishments (gyms, yoga studios, and climbing facilities) and sport and recreation facilities (pools, arenas, and tennis courts) will be able to operate at 50% capacity.
Virtual events are permitted with a maximum of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors.

Faith Gatherings, Weddings & Funerals
Faith gatherings will be able to have up to 10 people indoors and up to 25 people outdoors with social distancing. There is still no limit on the number of vehicles for drive-in faith services but you must continue to only be in a vehicle with your household.
Weddings and funerals will be able to have up to 25 people (plus the person conducting the ceremony) outdoors and 10 people (plus the person conducting the ceremony) indoors with social distancing.

There will continue to be no travel restrictions within Nova Scotia. Seasonal property owners and people moving to Nova Scotian permanently will be able to apply for travel and must self-isolate for 14 days when they arrive. People from outside of Nova Scotia can continue to request compassionate exception to enter the province for a funeral or service for an immediate family member.

Museums and Libraries
Museums and libraries will be able to operate at 25% capacity and need to follow public health measures like social distancing and masks.

Source: Government of Nova Scotia
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