Compared to most of the world, us Albertans are spoiled rotten when it comes to mountain views and stunning hikes. As one of the most sought-after backdrops in the world, we can be in the Rocky Mountains, hiking and summiting a world-class mountain in mere hours of waking up. That’s pretty lucky.
Whether you’re a new or experienced hiker, we all know that mountain views are better in person. If you grew up in Alberta like most of us here, you may have been exploring mountains and hiking trails from a young age. The night before you head out, someone Google’s ‘hikes with a good view’ and then you wing it, hoping that the reviews were true, it’s easy to find, the trail hasn’t been decommissioned, your date enjoys the one your chose, the whole rigmarole. However, what if you and your date could experience the mountains together in a fun, safe, yet exciting, new way? No more fighting about directions, trusting the online trail report or getting lost on the way and delaying your hike. Take your relationship to a whole new level just an hour out of the city – then let the professionals take it from there.
Italian for ‘iron road,’ the Via Ferrata is an assisted climbing experience built on the stunning Mount Norquay – the perfect mental and physical challenge for you and your partner to undertake. Designed for beginners seeking mountain explorations and advanced climbers craving a new thrill alike, this experience gives the term “living on the edge” a whole new meaning.
Start your adventure at the top of the sightseeing chairlift with stunning views of the surrounding Rockies. However, “no need to take any photographs yet,” your guide will tell you because the summit viewpoint will take your breath away. Trek along this assisted course with one of their exceptional guides as you climb up, up, up the mountain. As you and your date maneuver the cliffside with only ladders and cables to assist you, you can’t help but wonder, “how high is this?!”
Choose between various routes lasting anywhere from 2.5-6 hours, whether you’re a ridge walker, mountain explorer, skyline chaser or a summit seeker. Ranging anywhere from 2235-2450 metres above sea level and 1-3.2 kilometres in distance, the Via Ferrata routes will challenge and amaze you, regardless of which one you choose. These cliffside adventures will not only fill your camera roll with hundreds of breathtaking images but your relationship with more trust and understanding than ever before.
In the final hour, your legs will shake, your body will quake, but you will be ready to take on the world as you gaze over the Canadian Rockies and bask in a sense of national pride and accomplishment on your completed journey – together. And, after all that adrenaline-fueled activity, your body is going to need nourishment. Stop in at the stunning retro-chic 1950’s refurbished Cliffhouse Bistro, indulging in fine food as you relish every second of the magnificent view right beside your table window.
The photographs you see online don’t do this adventure-themed date justice. No camera, no GoPro and certainly no iPhone can capture what it feels like to experience a full-day scaling the mountain-side quite like this. Through the excitement, adrenaline and a healthy dose of heights apprehension, this is the ultimate escape for any couple looking for an adventure. Test the boundaries of your relationship and overcome this physically demanding, mentally challenging obstacle together – leaving your relationship feeling stronger than ever.
Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or you know that your partner isn’t a fan of heights, face your fears together this summer with the Via Ferrata. Don’t do the same old hike you do every year – challenge one another on a new adventure. This is your chance to push through the cool, calm, collected exteriors and get to know the fiery, daring, passionate people underneath.
It’s not a question about if you should do this tour, but when. Whether your relationship needs a kick in the pants or you’re just looking for that next ‘new’ thing, this is it. The Via Ferrata cliffside adventure will undeniably be a bonding experience between you and your partner, allowing you to connect on a much deeper (or should we say higher?) level. Look no further and save the date to check out one of this summer’s hottest travel destinations.
Ready for your next adventure date? Experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with your special someone on the Via Ferrata at Mount Norquay by booking your tour here.