Top Things To Do This June in YYC

The best things to do in Calgary in June.
Summer Reading

Written by Kelsay Gault It’s cool to be a bookworm. Our contributor Kelsay shares her favourite reads and places to curl up in the YYC! Summer is just around the corner and there’s nothing I look forward to more than summer reading. Okay, that may be a blatant lie, but I do love having the […]
The Sexting Situation

The Sexting Situation We’re not talking just winky faces. Have you gotten flirty in a text? Little innuendos or saucy jokes can make texting fun, but there’s a whole other league of legitimate sexting going on. We’re talking descriptions, details and photos…what all have you done? There are constant discussions about sexting: when it’s appropriate, […]
Man Style: Do’s &Dont’s

Local man-style specialist Akash Bir weighs in on men’s fashion trends. So the selfie infused, Jared Leto clad Oscar’s are over. Christmas is done. Your NYE hangover is finally cured, our visas are paid off with mediocrity. You’ve successfully failed at all your dietary resolutions. In fact you may have even gained a few “ell-bees” […]
8 Things Guys Secretly Love

A great post from our chivalry expert James Sama– sharing the guys perspective on what guys secretly love! Whether a guy is just starting to date a woman or is in a committed relationship with her, there are small things that she may do without thinking twice that guys secretly love. While there are many, here […]
Theatre Review: The Huron Bride
“That was an awesome play.” -29 year old guy who doesn’t like plays. “Is that based on a true story? I hope it’s not a true story. I’m going to have nightmares tonight. Will you sleep over?” -Me Somehow I find myself laughing at the sexual tension between the very devout Rebecca and the desirous […]
The Condom Conversation