I’m Dreaming Of A Fight-Free Christmas

In order to make it through the season unscathed, we’ve compiled six ways to avoid fighting with your bae over the holidays, so all can stay merry and bright.
Christmas Gifts for the Foodie you Love

Christmas gifts for the foodie on your list.

I’d rather be someone’s whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea.
It’s time to get your shit together

Adulting 101 is happening on Tuesday November 22nd, be there.

Somewhere along the way we may bypass or ignore a major relationship milestone – one that is a key indication of whether or not we’ve found lasting love with a person that is truly “right” for us.
5 Things Everyone’s Talking About This Week

From the Super Moon to Samsung’s Acquisition, here’s what everyone’s talking about this week.
5 Things Everyone’s Talking About This Week

From the tense season finale of ‘Merica to Prince Harry’s new leading lady, here’s what everyone’s talking about this week. 1. The American Election After the most scandalous, drawn out, and over talked about election, the United States finally has a new leader (and no it’s not Hillary Clinton). The internet seems confused about how […]
Shake up your Date Night with Classic Whiskey Cocktails

Shake up your cocktail date by staying home.
25 Things To Do This November in YYC

There is so much to do this month in YYC – from enjoying local art to indulging your inner foodie, here are 25 of the best dates in our city this November.
5 Things Everyone’s Talking About This Week

Published by: Rachel Antony From new iOS emojis to new Starbucks holiday cups, here’s what everyone’s talking about this week so you can look smart and impress your date. 1. New Emojis Ah finally we can face palm properly, no more of that monkey hiding it’s eyes. Apple announced the new emojis it will be […]
The Stay At Home Date

Let’s be honest, with the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter, sometimes you just want to stay in and snuggle up with your sweetie after a long work day. Here are some ideas to make it fire so you don’t end up falling asleep in your sweatpants together at 9pm. Although that sounds […]
27 Things To Do this Halloween in YYC

Witch Better Have My Candy Halloween is definitely one of the most fun holidays of the year. Indulging in candy, cuddling up with bae watching scary movies, and dressing up in some of the best costumes.. What could be better? This year, Calgary’s Halloween scene is packed with tons of dope activities for you to enjoy. […]